CIBT’s History
We are a tertiary institution established under the auspices of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra in 2007. CIBT is accredited by the National Accreditation Board and Affiliated to the University of Ghana. Our first batch of graduates completed their studies at the end of the 2011/2012 academic year. There is something special about CIBT. It is located in the centre of Accra and is compact and not too large. Therefore we are able to maintain a friendly campus community and no student is missing in the crowd.
Students are equipped with the necessary resources to help them respond effectively as leaders in Business, professional and civic life. Being a Catholic Institution CIBT creates a stimulating Christian atmosphere to maintain a Catholic identity but at the same time it embraces all faith traditions. Students have the possibility to choose professional and civic life.
Being a Catholic Institution CIBT creates a stimulating Christian atmosphere to maintain a Catholic identity but at the same time it embraces all faith traditions. Students have the possibility to choose from a broad range of degree programmes in Business Administration, Public Administration, Computer Science and Religion. CIBT is about to start a number of non-degree programmes including professional workshops for adult students. It is also about to start a new degree programme in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, a Certificate and Diploma programmes to help Catholics and other Christians understand the Christian faith, how the Church responds to social and political life and how the church is administered. Indeed the entire family of CIBT, Faculty members, staff and students learn together to fulfill our academic mission.
CIBT is a leading tertiary institution, a place of excellence, devoted to providing an intellectual, moral and social environment that responds to the needs of a diverse and rapidly transforming society.
The mission of CIBT is to create a distinctively Catholic institution in which:
- Catholicism is effectively operative and education is truly geared towards the demands of modern society
- Professional education opens doors in various areas of human endeavour such as business, arts, social and natural sciences
- Students have the opportunity to expand their horizon by exploring other areas of study, outside their specialised fields. This will help them develop that flexible thinking critical for successful leadership in any organisation
- Providing service and moral leadership in all areas of human development
- Training students to be analytical, communicative, problem-solving and decision making oriented
- Blending intellectual rigour with opportunity for hands-on experience through field work
- Motivating students to define their goals and examine their strength both inside and outside the classroom
Our Philosopy
CIBT seeks to prepare its students for effective living in an ever changing world. Successful living in this sense requires both a broad and specialised education. In effect, this combines many experiences some of which are:
- Acquisition of knowledge and skills
- Ability to think critically and reason logically
- A maturing philosophy of life
- Understanding of past and recent social institutions and their influence in the social order
- Understanding knowledge designed to accommodate the student’s aptitude and interests that will lead to proficiency in certain occupations
CIBT assumes in a unique way the role of a modern tertiary institution. It strives to:
- Provide equal access to tertiary education for all applicants regardless of ethnicity, religious beliefs, sex, or physical challenges
- Provide opportunities for students to develop intellectually, and to acquire appropriate job skills and self-actualisation through instruction, public service and special programmes which, by design, seek to meet the needs of all students enrolled
- Render public service dedicated to raising the standards of living and enhancing the quality of life
- Create an environmental where participatory management is an accepted organisation norm
- Strengthen its institutional effectiveness and academic programmes by developing and implementing new and enhanced information technologies order
- Create and achieve excellence in all programmes and activities by:
- Linking strategic planning with outcomes assessment
- Encouraging strategic thinking
- Assuring adherence to statements of philosophy (e.g. teaching philosophy) throughannual performance evaluations
- Obtaining internal and external evaluations from constituents
- Endeavouring to achieve excellence in higher education through professional activity and creative teaching governed by the principles of academic freedom.
CIBT adheres to the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of a creative, enlightened, participative, and responsive society. The guiding principles of the Institute embrace the conviction that total student development is best achieved by providing an atmosphere conducive to the full realisation of human dignity and productivity. It is believed that such an atmosphere may optimally be provided for all enrolled students.